Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So I didn't get part in the play...but Ren@e Ross and Megan LeMay did! I will audition for another one next time! I hope I will get into that one! Ren@e is a mouse and Megan is a cat! Well, I don't really have anyhting else to write about so...bye!

-Karli Bo Barley

Saturday, March 20, 2010

We got fish!!!!!!!! YAY! Hanna's is the awesome blue/purple betta! And mine is the amazing multi-colored betta! Hanna's is named Azul, which means blue in Espanol! And mine is named Pez, which means fish in Espanol! Right now Hanna is over and she brought her fish, because she got dropped off after we bought our new tiny pets! At this very moment they are enjoying some awesome worship music with the piano playing by Lindsey!

Ren@e- we wish you could have been there with us, and turns out that the vase you thought was 50 cents, was actually 5 dollars, but Hanna got it anyway!

Much Love,





Yes, Pez AGAIN!

I know, I know, I like taking pictures of my fish!

Pez my fishy doing what all fishies do...swimming!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Upcoming Events

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while! I have been meaning to, but I couldn’t think of anything to write! But at last, I have!

Pretty soon spring soccer is starting up! I can’t wait because Renee and I are going to be on the same team! YAY! I hope my team does better than last fall…should I even dare to talk about it? Well, lets just say that my soccer team won two one game, and tied once. All the others, we lost by about an average of three points difference, when we were lucky. Yeah, not the greatest team ever…but hey, I had fun! I am not exactly sure when the new season starts, but I know it’s soon!

Another thing I’m looking forward to is something completely new. I have never done it before, ever, and although it may not seem like a big deal to some, it is for me. I am so nervous/excited for this upcoming “event”. Done guessing? Well, I am going to try out for the Whidbey Playhouse’s play “Cinderella”. If I even got a part, it would be a small one, but that is what I would like to start out with, that is if I even get a part. The major nerve-racking thing for me is one of the requirements for the auditions. I must sing a song, SOLO. No music, nothing but just me up there, singing a song. Ohhhhhh great, this should be interesting. I also have to read a couple lines from a script I have never even READ before, and make it interesting…hmmm. The last requirement is to see how fast of a learner I am. They will show me a basic dance move, and I have to “copy” it to the best of my ability…I’m expecting my legs and arms to be so wobbly from being nervous, that I will try doing the dance move, and fall! But I am hoping for the best! The auditions are Saturday, March 27th and Sunday, March 28th. I can choose from either of those days, but I still don’t know which day to do.

As Lindsey already knows, I have a minor major issue with my voice. Well, she thinks I’m good, but I don’t think so, and I am not confident with it very much sooo, this will be interesting to see what happens! Wish me luck!

Well, gotta get back to my homework!

~Karli Bo Barley~