Monday, November 22, 2010


Yippy! Little Whidbey Island had it's first snow today! Unfortunately I am stuck at school, but now more classes for today. But we are wating for the hill to be opened again. But probably in about an hour I'll leave! But on the plus side...I'm stuck here with Ren@e! Which means we come up with crazy awesome making a sled out of a lid. Lid sled= Success. :)

Hope all is well!

Happy Early Thanksgiving!

-Karli :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's a Wonderful Life Play

On November 16th I had my first play performance at the Whidbey Playhouse! I only had one line, so the whole 2 hours I had to wait in the green room. But it was still pretty fun and I have 2 more performances. But what I learned that night is:

1. Makenzi (a little 8 year old who plays Zuzu and loves to act) loves playing uno and beating me every time.

2.Makenzi can't stop looking at her self in the mirror (when one is in front of her. There is a mirror on almost every wall in the green room, lol.).

3. My DSi camera keeps Makenzi entertained and quiet for about one hour. (the other hour we played uno, haha)

4. I had fun, even with my one line :) :P

Well, I promised Allie some pictures they are! (Thanks Ren@e for taking pictures of me when I was on stage!) (Sorry some of the pictures are blurry or zoomed out, we were moving a lot...kinda :P) (Click the photos to see them bigger! Sorry, I still haven't figured out how to change that :)