Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010


Hey Everyone! I know I haven't posted anything in like FOREVER! But now I'm posting something!

Yesterday Ren@e and I babysat two little kids named Hayden and Camryn! Hayden the little boy in the pictures and Camryn is the little girl! To make things easy, I'm just gonna post some pictures here instead of explaining the whole day to you! Enjoy! :)


P.S...By the way, this was Ren@e and I's first babysitting job! There are a lot of pictures so I don't know if I'm gonna load all of them! Haha some of the pictures I took and some of them Ren@e took!

P.P.S...These pictures aren't in order by the events we did by the way! Also, I am gonna just post a few pictures when I get a chance! Probably tomorrow!


Lunch time!

Cute little Camryn in her Hula outfit!



The hat was almost as tall as her! Haha