We let Melon outside yesterday afternoon in the backyard of course and we went to put him inside at like 7:00 PM and he wasn't out there...... :( SO then we were all sad and looking for him and calling his name and shaking the food bowl and everything we could possibly thing of doing.
So we went to bed and woke up the next morning, took Riley to school and came home and kept calling for Melon, Still........ NOTHING!!!! So I finished my school and made 5 signs that said: LOST BLACK CAT WITH YELLOW EYES. With our address and phone number on there and hung them up on the mail boxes and in the little gazebo and on 3 street posts. We went to Mom's Doctor appt. and then had to go pick up Riley and then go get Mom's Pills. Then We went out and ate dinner and came home and some lady called us and said her daughter had seen a black cat out in the street in front of their house. We went over to the lady's house and right as we were getting ready to step up to the lady's house, Melon came running up to me meowing!!!!!!! I said.... MELON!!!!!!! Mom was skipping down the street all happy and I handed him to her and we walked back home and feed Melon. Cheese and Melon right now are like bitting and playing around all happy!!! Mom and I were SOOOOOO happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were trying to keep our hopes up about finding him and we did!
WE are so happy to have him back!
Love and miss you guys!